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Writer's pictureResults 360 Wellness Team

New Year, New Resolutions, New Fitness Goals

The ringing in of a New Year is frequently the time for many of us to think about our wellness goals for 2023. Who doesn't want to be fitter, stronger, and healthier?

Here are two quick tips to help you climb the "resolution mountain".

Fitness Anytime, Anywhere

Push-ups, planks, crunches, etc are basic exercises you can do at home. Do 10 pushups, a plank, and a set of crunches as part of your evening routine. When you are driving in the car, do some abdominal work by pulling in your tummy as if you were making your belly button touch your spine. Voila, ab work done for the day before you leave the Tim Horton's drive-thru!

Developing the discipline of sticking with these quick-hit exercises on a daily basis lays the groundwork for bigger and better things.


Give Up an Indulgence

It is daunting to give up all your indulgences at once. Suddenly ditching junk food, cutting carbs, skipping dessert, and eliminating the glass of wine in the evening is not a realistic goal. Take step 1 by giving up one of your indulgences and slowly cutting out your empty calorie cravings over the course of the year.

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